Saturday, July 09, 2005

id like to lay for hours with you
on the bed.
sharing a cigarette, discussing insights
into the smoke above our heads.
fall asleep sometime after 3
with the smell of sex
clinging tightly
to the covers on the bed.
i'd like to be the last and first thing
you see
day upon day on end

Friday, July 08, 2005

hello again my secret
hidden place
my dark little corner
where my mind has a say
where i can speak freely
without conscience interference
i can just be me
the me i hold dearest

i can speak of the grrrl
who left just today
to head to my city
that lies on the bay
she holds my heart
i wish this was enough for her
i wish IT could be me

hello again my secret
my dark hidden place
where i can be once again
as i am in my head
where i can hate the world
and luv the grrrl
i hope that this time
i can stay
but for now i write the words
i cant say
will said grrrl
is away...

hello my secret
you unknown to the world
through you i can express
my luv of a grrrl